CEE GTI WEBINAR: Battery Industry – Opportunities in the Middle of Europe

The Battery Industry:
A (Central) European Opportunities 

Episode 1 – State of the Industry & Policy Context in the Region

July 16, 12:00 CEST / 6 AM Eastern Time / 1900 Seoul
Registered participants will receive a link to ZOOM platform Webinar.


  • Patrik Krizansky (AVERE)
  • Aleks Rajch (PNMA)
  • Filip Křenek (Europeum)


  • Aaron Fishbone (SEVA)

Part 1 of the The Battery Industry: A (Central) European Opportunity webinar series will feature industry experts from Slovakia, Poland, and the Czech Republic providing a lay of the land of the industry in the region, and its main drivers.

Presentations and discussion will focus on:

·         Brief overview of the Battery supply chain (for more intro level audience members)

·         Mining, refining , processing, production, end use, recycling

·         What parts are in the region & in what volumes? Why? How did this come to be?

·         What are the drivers? Policy, natural resources, supplier/customer proximity

·         Who are these customers?

·         Recommendations to policymakers – what needs to be done to make this region more attractive / maintain its global leadership ?

The panelists are authors of the following relevant reports:


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